What are your rates?

That depends! I start from a basic $200/week for a single full time space, or $40/day.
Part time day rates are slightly higher to account for the potential loss of revenue they represent, so approximately $50/day.

Do you accept subsidy?

No, we are not able to accept subsidy at this time.

Do you provide receipts?

Yes, of course.

Do you offer part-time/occasional/emergency/overnight/weekend care?

If space permits, yes.

As you probably know, as of January 2016 in Ontario, home child care providers are limited to five children, and only two of these can be under the age of two.

What that means is that committing to part time care can really impact on my bottom line. BUT if I have space available and can accommodate your child care needs, I am happy to do that.

At least for the time being, now I am indeed offering part time care, as well as evenings, weekends, and even overnights - but my primary goal for the long term is to fill my five full time M-F positions.

Does that mean that if I accept your child for part-time care (or evenings, or weekends, or overnights) now, I'm going to dump them as soon as a full timer comes along?

No, of course not!!!

I love my kids. I develop relationships with my kids. And I will continue to be there for them and their parents.

Once I  fill another daytime spot or two, though, I will likely stop taking on any new part-time/evening/weekend kids. So, even if you're looking for occasional care only, get in touch sooner rather than later, okay? Okay.


Are you going to refuse to take my kid when they're sick? Or send them home?

In an ideal world, none of us would get ill - but it does happen and I do understand that most people don't have the flexibility to just stay home every time their child gets a minor illness. On the other hand, though, we do need to do as much as possible to ensure that illnesses don't spread unnecessarily through the children and their families.

So, my goal is a common sense approach. If a child hasn't already exposed us all to whatever ickies they've come down with, I hope parents will use good judgment and try to make other arrangements. If it has already been shared - AND if the child is feeling well enough to attend, then chances are, we can work something out.

It is one of the benefits of having a separate quiet room and an assistant - we can run two separate rooms if need be.

If your child develops signs of illness while in my care, I will, of course, let you know and we will together decide on what action to take.  But you can rest assured that I fully understand that sudden 'come get your kid' calls create crises and I will never ever do that in any case where it can be avoided.

I am fully committed to providing your family with reliable, dependable child care that makes your life easier.

How do you handle behaviour problems/acting out/tantrums/....?

First of all, one of the key reasons that I am good at my job is that I am really alert to the dynamics of the group, and in most cases, am able to intervene effectively before acting out behaviour really starts. I know my kids, I know their warning signs, and I know when they need a bit of extra attention or redirection.

Does that mean I never have to deal with behaviour problems? Nope... sometimes stuff happens. But when it does, I view it as a sign that I need to change something in my programming/approach - not as a particular child (or parent's) problem.

I tend, also, to be what some people might describe as somewhat "laid back" .... I provide structure and clear expectations... but when things don't necessarily go exactly as I might plan, I don't get my knickers in a knot. Mutual respect, a bit of humour, and the fact that I can be WAY more stubborn than they go a long way even with the littlest of peoples.

And, with me, once a problem is over, it's over and we continue on with our day. I am not one for consequences/punishments that carry on and cause more issues.

What kinds of activities do you do with the kids?

When I did my ECE program at Sheridan, my training was in High Scope, which is an educational philosophy that, like the Ontario Early Years Best Start approach used now, builds on children's own interests to promote healthy growth and development through play. I am also fully trained in Ontario's new approaches. I like learning, and make a point of going to workshops whenever possible :)  I definitely keep up.

Because programming grows from the needs & interests of the group, it tends to be fairly flexible. I offer lots of varied toys, craft materials, sensory play, books, and so on ...and pay attention to and build on those things that interest the children. I have fun finding creative things to do and materials to provide, and am known for having some of the best dramatic play centres ever.

And of course, we get to go places too (assuming parental consent for travel and outings). I love the zoo, and have been known to borrow people's kids to take just 'cuz even when I was working for someone else; now that I'm running my own program you can bet there will be outings to the zoo. And libraries, and the Y, apple-picking, and wherever else we decide we want to go.

Are you hiring?

No, sorry, not right now.

Do feel free to follow us on Facebook, GooglePlus, or this blog though - that way you'll know when we'll be in a position to start accepting applications.