Thursday, 4 June 2020

Still here - but full

Yes, we are still here, providing reliable and stimulating home day care, even through the pandemic.

Unfortunately, though, we are now fully full, with not much more than an occasional Wednesday available.

I don't know how this is all going to play out, but it sure looks as though day care spaces are going to be at a premium for quite some time.

Wish I could expand - so silly, this 5 kids max. I went to school and earned my ECE. Worked in centres for about 10 years. Moved to a house specifically for the purpose of running my home day care there - big back yard, basement for us, main floor for the kids. A separate sleep room and two playrooms, and a full time live in assistant. And none of that matters. Five spaces. That's it, that's all. *sigh*

I'm okay with five full-time spaces, actually. But I also think that they should stop treating everyone as if we're all the lowest possible denominator.  I'd like to be able to have a few part-time spaces for school age children. Most of the time, that would still mean I'd rarely have more than five kids at once - but for PA days and holidays and yes, pandemics, my families could then have older siblings who need care at the same place. Less contagion points, and less running around.

Perhaps COVID-19 will bring about some positive changes. Won't be holding my breath though!

Wishing you all the best and good luck in your quest for care.